Crew Management
홈 BUSINESS Crew Management
The best crew management
service in Korea
Provides the highest quality crew manning service for
optimum management and duty skills improvement
by human Resources management System.
The top Leader of the crew management for Oil & Chemical tanker and LPG carrier in asia.
Crew resources
Officer - Korean. ,Rating – Philippine.
Rank Korean Philippine Total
Officer 100 0 100
Rating 0 87 87
Total 100 87 187
Crew education
ㆍ1st STEP (Selection & Recruitment )
ㆍ2nd STEP (In-house training) : SMMC-SMM Education, Soft ware program education.
ㆍ3rd STEP (Onboard training) : Bridge internal audit, Cargo operation, Oil pollution
ㆍ4th STEP (The development of high skilled manpower) : Improve meeting
Total crew manning system
Providing with systematic crew management service according to human Resources management System.
Service center
I'll be right here if you need me.
Tel +82.51.469.5944
Fax +82.51.469.9519